Sunday, August 21, 2011

Homeschooled Kids are NOT Socially Inept

Some of the most cliched assumptions about people are really true. “Homeschooled kids are socially inept,” I heard one woman say today. 

It's not true, but people still say it. If you took the time to think for more than a quarter of a second, you would realize there is much more to life than school, and many more social opportunities. Sports, church, boy/girl scouts, neighborhood kids, and things like that give kids constant socialization with the same kids their own age. I'm sure if you tried to think back, you would realize a lot, if not most of your childhood friends were not met in school. 

Since the academic part of homeschooling can be done in 3 hours while public school takes 8 hours including lunch, recess, music, art, and the bus rides home, there is a lot more free time during the day to interact with humans socially. Field trips become easier and more frequent. 

Sitting at a desk for an unnatural amount of time when kids need play to grow seems more stunting. How much of class time do teachers really even allow social interaction?

And lastly, there is the issue of family bonding time. With a kid at school for most of the day, there's only a little bit of family time spent in the evenings on most days. Working mothers come to the defense, but nothing can justify lack of time spent with your kids. Perhaps its even the reason our teenagers have become such rebellious monsters.

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